WBA - World Beer Academy
Considering the principle that any sector or , especiality can develop and
spread only if it aggregates knowledge, and that teaching is the main tool to
achieve this goal, the institutions Instituto Cervezas de America (Chile), Berlin
Beer Academy (Germany) e Beer Matters (Belgium), Science of Beer e o Bier
Akademie (Germany), recognized specialists in the field of beer science
teaching, gather to form the World Beer Academy - Integrated System of Beer
Our courses follow the concept of bringing historical and practical knowledge in
a differentiated form to each student. We follow the principle that professionals
for the beer market can not be formed in an industrialized way. Our classes
have intentionally less students, in order for the students to have even more
attention from the professors during classes.
Our faculty is highly specialized, with vast market experience, because we
believe that no one holds all knowledge for themselves. It is necessary to
enhance the sources of knowledge, bringing to the classroom the market’s
finest professionals, willing to share all their experience acquired in their fields
ad a form of teaching.
We also count on the advent of studying other foods and beverages that,
somehow, intertwine with beer’s production process and sensorial
characteristics. We believe in a complete formation, without any omitted content
in our classes, so that, at the end of the course, we have people capable of
speaking about, serving, tasting, evaluating and analyzing beer.